
The process to make your models is simple and concise. We work with you every step of the way providing updates and feedback to make sure you receive a product that helps you communicate well.


We work closely with you and medical experts to create 3-5 sketches of possible models that can showcase your product or drug. All of our staff is extensively trained at the Masters' level in anatomy and art to provide accurate models. We design with the end use in mind, only showing anatomy that is relevant to further understanding of the concept. Our approach is one of clear communication- we aim to make models that can be comprehended in one glance. 


Once a design is finalized, we begin sculpting, sending you regular updates and meeting in person when possible, so you can provide as much feedback as you feel necessary. We sculpt digitally, using Zbrush to sculpt these models as it provides an organic, more realistic look to the final model. Every relevant detail is meticulously sculpted to provide the most realistic 3d model possible.


Finally, we print a 3D prototype, which we send to you for feedback. After the prototype has been approved, we will print your final 3D model(s). This final model will be fully painted. It will arrive at your office, ready to help you communicate in all dimensions.

Let's Bring your custom 3d model to life.